Learn How to Create Professional, High Converting Cover Designs in as Little as 30 Minutes

Introducing AI Cover Design for Authors V2.0 – Your Step-by-Step Blueprint to Create Incredible Designs in Record Time, Even if You’re a Complete Beginner. Get Full Access to Everything in the Program for Only $97 (50% off) for a Limited Time. Now including the AI Book Description Generator!

AI tools have now finally reached the point where they have the very real potential to help improve results for authors. With the latest developments, you can now create professional-grade cover designs on your own. In this brand-new program, I’ll show you how.

Nick Stephenson – USA Today Bestselling Author & Founder of Your First 10,000 Readers

Your New Design Tool

Let’s face it – readers absolutely judge a book by its cover. During our testing, we found that an authors choice of cover design is the single biggest indicator of success – with some design changes improving sales by up to 400%.

Suffice to say, this is one area you don’t want to get wrong.

But with professional designers often costing hundreds of dollars and working to a huge backlog, getting a high-performing cover design hasn’t always been simple (or affordable).

So if you’re tired of spending countless hours trying to learn design skills, or spending hundreds of dollars on pro designers, or if you’ve always wished there was an easier way to create stunning covers on your own – that possibility is now a reality.

With AI Cover Design for Authors

We’ll show you how to use cutting-edge AI tools to create professional-looking book covers in as little as 30 minutes – even if you’re a complete beginner.

With our in-depth video training and pre-prepared starter templates, you’ll be able to create a cover that perfectly captures the essence of your book and sets it apart from the competition – no design experience necessary.

We’ll show you how to research the best options for your genre, how to create and refine images from scratch, and how to perfect your fonts and titles to get the best results.

All New for V2.0:

In addition to the hours of walkthrough videos and prompt templates that take you through the entire cover creation process, V2.0 now also includes the following upgrades:

Image Tweak Engine

This brand-new feature allows you to easily add, remove, or tweak any element of your image. Want to add a new background element? Tweak something not quite right? Change costumes? Adjust colors or lighting?

Before, this would mean starting from scratch – but now, a few well-chosen prompts can get you some impressive results:

AI Book Description Generator

One thing authors consistently struggle with is book descriptions. And this is bad news – because your book description is the #1 reason why readers decide to give your work a chance once they hit your book page.

Yes, the cover does all the work to get folks to click through, but your description is what gets readers to click the “Look Inside” and purchase.

In our testing, changing a “meh” description to an optimized one can more than double your conversion rate.

So it’s no wonder authors often spend days working on these, or pay hundreds of dollars for experts to do it for them.

But now there’s another option – with the right six-part structured prompt, you can get incredible results from AI tools like Chat GPT.

A few minutes of tweaking here and there and you’re good to go. No more stress, no more worrying.

Consistent Characters

How to create amazing character models, then drop them into any scene you like to create consistent designs across your series covers, site graphics, social, and ads.

Ebook, Print, and Audio

In V1.0 we focused on Ebook only. With recent updates to MidJourney, we’re now able to create designs for ebook, print, and audio all in one go – or take existing ebook designs (or other images you love) and re-format them for print and audio, with just a few well-placed prompts.

Whether you’re looking for a full-wrap version of your design for paperback, or a re-worked square image for audio (with the scene dynamically re-drawn for the new shape) or you need different aspect ratios for website, social, and ads – we’ve got you covered.

Rework & Improve

With v2.0 upgrades, it’s now easier than ever to take existing images or designs that you love, and re-work & improve them on the fly.

If you have a design you already like that you’d like to take to the next level, or reimagine for a different format or title, a few targeted prompts are all you need to add those final finishing touches – and give you the perfect design you’ve been looking for.

Upscale, re-imagine, and tweak to your heart’s content – re-imagine a scene with more drama, or drop your characters into new poses and scenes for your series artwork – all designed with ebook, print, and audio formats in mind (I’ll show you how).

And Much More

By the end of the course, you’ll have all the skills you need to create a professional-grade cover that will grab the attention of potential readers and help your book stand out from the crowd. Whether you’re a first-time author or a seasoned veteran, AI Cover Design for Authors has got you covered.

Get started with instant access to everything you need by clicking the button below, or scroll down for a full breakdown of all the lessons.

a black and white photo of a white wall

Cover Design Fundamentals

It’s not enough to just have a “nice image”. Your cover design needs to reflect the genre, tone, and themes of your book through the consideration of composition, movement, colour, and style. Not just through the image, but through the fonts and titles too.

In AI Cover Design for Authors, we’ll make sure you’re armed with all the skills and knowledge you need to come up with the perfect design ideas, get them built, refine them, and then create a complete cover with the correct fonts, layouts, and genre elements that readers know and love.

With 17 sessions of video training, written lessons, and our MegaBundle of starter templates, we’ll get you creating your perfect covers for ebook, print, and audio in record time – whatever your genre.

Risk Free. No Stress.

Instant Access

Everything waiting for you inside

Intro & Overview

Your introduction to AI tools and an overview of the course, resources, and bonuses.

AI & Ethical Use

A detailed look at the controversies surrounding AI tools, and how we can use this new technology ethically and responsibly.

Tech Setup

The main tools you’ll be using and a step-by-step guide to getting everything set up.

Cover Design Fundamentals

Good cover design is more than just a pretty picture. We’ll look at how to research the best cover designs that will convert well for your genre.

Basic & Advanced Prompts and Refining

With a plan in place, it’s time to start creating some images. In these 3 lessons, we’ll look at various methods – basic to more advanced – to get the design you want.

Basic Fontwork and Titles

An effective cover design is impossible without considering the appropriate fontwork – we’ll look at how your lettering choices can impact your results and how to get it right using a free account on Canva.

Advanced Fontwork, Titles, And Effects

If you want to take your font designs to the next level, we’ll take a look at some simple effects you can apply in Photoshop to add extra layers of texture and drama (don’t worry, it’s not complicated).

Support and Community

Stuck with anything? Want to get feedback? Need some help with a tricky image? Reach out to our support community or email us direct for help!

Starter template MegaBundle

With 30+ genre examples and starter templates, you can get off to a running start with our MegaBundle of images and related prompts – the perfect shortcut to your winning design.


Create Consistent Characters

Design the perfect character model, either from scratch or using image prompts, and then subtly alter poses, expressions, and costumes ready to use across your book series and other assets for a consistent reader experience.

Blend Characters into Different Scenes

Take your characters and blend them into different backgrounds and scenes with just a few well-placed prompts. Create an entire series of designs to use across your backlist, and adapt the same compositions for your website, social, and ads campaigns.

Convert to Print Format

You’re no longer stuck designing compositions for one format at a time. With V2.0, you’ll learn how to create images suitable for all print formats, and how to re-imagine existing designs and convert them on the fly.

Convert to Audio Format

Instead of just cropping your ebook image to a square, with V2.0 you can imagine your cover in a 1:1 ratio and preserve the context and composition of the scene to help you stand out from the cropping crowd.

Rework & Improve Existing Images

With V2.0, not only can you create stunning images from scratch and adapt them to your unique needs, you can take existing images and designs you already like, then re-work & improve them to suit your backlist.

Upscaling, Exporting, and Tools

We’ve got all the tech covered! In V2.0 you’ll find walkthroughs of all the key tools and how to use them to upscale, export, and publish your new designs for ebook, audio, and print.

Image Tweak Engine

Add, remove, refine, replace, tweak, and fiddle with elements in your design without having to start from scratch – all with a few simple prompts.

AI Book Description Generator

Condensing months (or years) of work into a few paragraphs isn’t easy. Now, you can use our six-part prompt structure to get conversion-optimized descriptions in seconds!

And More…

We’re always adding new material, and when you join AI Cover Design for Authors, you get access to all future updates for life.

a blurry photo of a white background


Our 30 Day Guarantee

You can test drive all the material inside AI Covers for Authors V2.0 to decide if it’s a good fit for you. If you change your mind, just let us know within 30 days and we’ll issue you with a prompt and courteous refund.

So you can get instant access to the learning materials and bonuses and start building your own cover designs today, with no risk.

Some Love:

This course is amazing, Nick. Thank you so very much! I know people are afraid of AI and Midjourney, but as a writer and artist of color, it’s been SUCH a struggle to find cover art that features Black characters (or characters of color period) in dystopian, sci-fi, or fantasy contexts.

Now, I’ll never have that problem again, and I’m so thankful to Midjourney and this course.

Vanisha – Author

Finally finished working my way through all of the tutorials. Thank you so much for putting this together. It was absolutely incredible and so helpful. I would never have had the courage to use Midjourney without this and photoshop seems a little less intimidating now.

I’ll definitely be rewatching these SEVERAL times. Can’t wait to start experimenting. And thanks for the bonus PDF. It helps to be able to have a print out of prompts to refer back to all of the different ratios. Thanks, Nick! You’re the best!

Sarah Watson – Author

While I’ve been experimenting with MJ for awhile, it’s been just that–a lot of experiments with some working out and others not so much. I’m finding it a great way to ‘get to know’ my characters by entering prompts on what I envision they look like. But I figured it was time to up my game with Nick’s course so here I am.

Brad Swift – Author


Which AI tools will we focus on?
Right now, the tool of choice for this course is MidJourney. Their latest version really is leagues above anything else out there, and is the only image tool capable of the quality, resolution, and custom aspect ratios you need for cover design.

What’s the deal with copyright?
Any images you create with the basic level MidJourney subscription can be used for commercial purposes, including book covers. However, because the image is not created by a human, it cannot currently be copyrighted in most cases. This means others are allowed to use your output images without permission – although this is not much different to using royalty free stock images. If you substantially change the image, then the usual copyright rules apply. You can also upgrade your MidJourney account to “stealth” mode so others can’t see your work.

Do I need to pay for any tools?
You will need at least a basic subscription for MidJourney, which costs $10 per month. You can just dip in and out when you need it, so you’re not tied into anything long term. If you want to apply more advanced effects you will also need a Photoshop subscription, which is currently in the region of $20. You can also just use this when you need it (and it’s 100% optional – we show you how to use the free plan at Canva also). If you need to produce print covers, you will need an upscaling tool – some of these are free, otherwise if you’re using Photoshop or similar, that’s included.

^^ Our MegaBundle of Starter Images & Prompts

What’s all the controversy around AI image tools?
We cover this in more detail in the course, including suggestions on how you might use the tool in a responsible and ethical way. The main controversies surrounding MidJourney relate to a lack of consensus on whether some of the images it used to “train” itself should require MidJourney to pay a royalty, and how the future of the tool can be adapted to include a system of compensation for artists.

Do I need any design experience?
No! We’ll go through everything you need to learn in the course, including how to research the perfect design for your genre and some simple tips and tricks to get the look you want, even if you’re a total beginner.

Any Genres this isn’t suitable for?
Not that we’ve seen! And although MidJourney does ban some phrases, anything PG-13 is entirely possible. You can even get Hunky Man Chest with the right prompts (we’ll show you how). Plus of course you can define illustration styles for genres such as children’s books and cozy mysteries to create the exact style you need.

Is this just for book covers?
The focus of the course is on producing amazing cover designs. But of course you can use images on your website, book interiors, Kickstarter campaigns, ads, and anywhere else you struggle to find great designs.

I have a question before I sign up – who do I talk to?
No problemo. Just email support@yourfirst10kreaders.com and we’ll be back with you ASAP!

^^ Thriller and Mystery Scenes, Action Heroes, and Hunky Man Chest – all covered!


Here’s everything waiting for you inside:

1. Intro and Course Overview: Everything you’re going to learn and how it all fits together to get you producing professional cover designs at home that your readers will love.

2. AI Design and Ethical Use: We’ll dive into the current controversies and consider how we – as users – can utilize tools like MidJourney in a responsible and ethical way.

3. Simple Tech Setup: Get up and running in a few minutes with a handful of cheap or free tools. Don’t worry, we’ll cover everything you need to know to use them to their full potential.

4. Cover Design Fundamentals: learn how a simple cover tweak could potentially triple or quadruple your sales with real-world examples – and find out how to research your designs to appeal to readers of your genre and boost your exposure and sales (especially important if you’re advertising). We’ll look at what makes an eye-catching composition, and how to refine your cover idea into something that’s going to sell.

5. Intro to MidJourney Text-to-Image Prompts: the images you’ll get are only ever going to be as good as the instructions – or “prompts” – you give to the AI. In this lesson, we’ll look at some basic phrases and commands you can use to get the image you want, and how to use automated features to refine and tweak them until you’re happy.

6. AI Image Prompts: we’ll look at how to take existing images that inspire you and use them as a starting point for your new design. This could be a family photo, a picture you’ve taken on your phone, or even one of your own covers that you’d like to use as a starting point. MidJourney can use any image as reference, and you can refine from there with text prompts. We’ll go through it all in this lesson.

7. Advanced Commands and Refining Tricky Images: if you’re looking for a very specific design, or you just want to make subtle tweaks to an image that just “isn’t quite there yet”, this lesson will show you how to use commands and more advanced refining techniques to get exactly what you need.

8. Fonts and Titles with Canva Free Edition: nothing ruins a great cover image like poor font design. And MidJourney can’t do text. So in this lesson, we’ll look at how to use a free account with Canva to get professional looking typography that will make your new cover design shine.

9. Advanced Fonts and Titles with Photoshop: sometimes, you might want to add extra effects or textures to your fonts that aren’t supported in Canva – especially if you write in sci-fi or fantasy. In this lesson, we’ll look at some of the text options in Photoshop that will get you the stunning font design you need.

10. Custom Effects and Textures with Photoshop: taking things to the next level… if you’re looking for some simple ways to add extra depth, movement, and intrigue to your designs, we’ll go through a few Photoshop “tips and tricks” to layer in extra effects in your design. This is totally optional, but it’s great fun!

11. Fantastic Fonts and Where to Find Them: every genre has different expectations when it comes to fonts. Using a sci-fi design on a historical romance cover is rarely a good idea, for example. In this lesson, we’ll cover where to find the best fonts, some recommendations by genre, and how to go about getting them installed (don’t worry, it’s easy).

12. Aspect Ratio Considerations: how to effectively consider the different sizes, shapes, and aspect ratios of ebook, print, and audio (or website banners, etc) and design images with these in mind from the beginning to help you save time and create better compositions across your marketing stack.

13. Creating Consistent Characters: a step-by-step walkthrough of how to create awesome character models and then how to adjust the expressions, poses, and costumes to suit different scenes and different cover designs and formats. Easily create identical characters across your series, and tweak them to suit your scenes.

14. Combining Character and Scenes: how to take your character models and place them into different scenes and environments across your series covers or other assets, and ensure everything fits together for a perfect composition – a process you can repeat again and again for all your series titles.

15. Image Tweak Engine: how to add, remove, or tweak elements of your image in seconds, without having to start from scratch. Easily change costumes, colors, and add in background or foreground elements to make your designs pop!

16. Formatting for Print: how to take your images and format them for print, including how to produce a full-wrap image without cropping (and ruining!) your designs. Then how to arrange everything in the right way for your front cover, back cover, and spine.

17. Formatting for Audio: how to produce the perfect square image with a re-imagined scene that matches your ebook and paperback design but optimized for a 1:1 ratio. Stand out from the cropping crowd and get noticed!

18. Re-Imagine & Re-Work Existing Images: if you have images you already like but want to adapt them into better compositions for your covers, this lesson will show you how to take existing designs and re-work them to suit your exact needs. No need to start from scratch if you already have images you love!

19. AI Book Descriptions: instead of spending days trying to just “summarise plot points” get yourself a compelling book description that sells using free AI tools and a specially designed six-part prompt to get you immediate results and better sales.

PLUS: MidJourney Prompt MegaBundle: if you’re looking for a head-start, we’ve put together 30+ starter images and their associated prompts for you across a wide variety of genres. And if you need help coming up with something we’ve not included, just shoot us an email and we’ll take a look!

And more: you’ll get access to our community of 4,000+ professional authors in the Your First 10,000 Readers VIP Facebook group and direct access to our support team if you ever get stuck. Whatever your experience, we’ve got you covered with the training and support you need to succeed.


Join the only AI Cover Design Course for Authors V2.0

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